
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Regarding Illegal Immigration

Several months ago, Secretary of "Homeland Security" Janet Crap...Napolitano made healines for what I think is an inexcusable gaffe. She bellowed that "entering the country illegally is not a crime, per se." That sentiment echoes the open-borders acivists, who I am going to start calling the "pro-illegal activities activists" in light of MSNBC and the AP's recent decision to begin referring to pro-lifers as "anti-abortion rights activists." In fact, I may play with words all throughout this post.

In any case, the mentality of many on the Anti-Right (the Left, which fittingly comes from the Latin, for sinister), especially lobby groups like La Raza (pro-illegal activities activists slang for 'The Race'). They often decry that "nobody is illegal," or carry signs at protests with slogans like "All immigrants are legal immigrants." So-called "elites" on the Anti-Right make the argument that today's illegal immigrants are like modern day Italians, Irish, Germans and other Europeans arriving on the shores of Ellis Island a century ago. They say that much like those immigrants assimilated and became part of society, so will the ones entering the country illegally from south of our borders.

When did "borders" become such a dirty word? One wonders when liberals will decide to want to rename the evil, capitalist chain of book sellers to something less oppressive or offensive, maybe something like "Wade on Across!" This brings me to my point: America's cultural history, its zeitgeist, is full of stories of the poor Italian, who scrubbed shoes at the train station for two years to save the money to come to America. Or, the boy from the slums of Dublin who overcame disability, malnutrition and abject poverty, saved money over the course of years from odd jobs, and boarded a ship bound for America. None of these people had the luxury of wading across the Rio Grande in the thick of the night and dropping off an anchor baby in order to capitalize on America's generous social (in)justice programs. Becoming an American citizen was a source of pride for my ancestors - I know because I have heard it firsthand. These immigrants may have stuck together at first in the ethnic ghettoes of New York, Boston, Chicago and a host of other cities, but they wanted to be here. They wanted to assimilate and become members of their communities. They wanted to succeed and usher in a new era in their family history. I imagine these early pioneers, eyes full of hope as they took any job they could amidst Sinclair's Jungle-like working conditions. They evoke images of the romantic Frontier, the pioneers of the West. Young families setting out in search of opportunity, grabbing their future by the horns and making their own destinies. Our entire society is the apotheosis of their gritty determination, borne from the American spirit itself. One thing I don't recall these immigrants doing is demanding their new host country accommodate them by posting signs in their native languages and offering bilingual services. When you moved to America, you did so to become an American.

These Left-anointed modern day "pioneers" from the south come here for a myriad of reasons. Many come and are as industrious and hard working as anyone. Many become integrated parts of the communities in which they settle. However, I know that 12 million Italians, Irishmen and Germans didn't stowaway on ships during the 19th and 20th centuries illegally. That is, however, approximately the number of people who did come here illegally from the south. I'm not only targetting Mexico. People come here from everywhere illegally, through various entry points. I don't doubt they want to be here...but once they are here, they are more interested in living in enclaves with little to no interaction with the outside world. These enclaves become hotbeds of criminal activity and strife. These people don't want to - and many will never - assimilate to our way of life. They're only here for the handouts.

These reasons are exactly why blanket amnesty must never be considered. 12 million people receiving amnesty is 12 million slaps in the face to the courage and dedication demonstrated by the immigrants of generations past. It is spitting on our entire way of life, and it is setting a dangerous precedent. It is saying the American way of life no longer belongs to Americans. 3 centuries ago, we were a nation of foreigners living in the same land. Today, we are a culture. I just hope enough people are interested in preserving it.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Liberal theft

With all the recent talk of nuclear missiles, mutual disarmament, and the removal of Islamic, psycho-Jihadis as a terror classification (all thanks to Chairman Zero [thanks Moonbattery]), I began thinking about what the immediate consequences of these actions are. I know that personally, the first thing I insinuate from this is that Obama is deliberately trying to induce America's decline.

Then I realize something else, something I wish other Americans realized. I wish that Americans realized they possess(ed) a weapon of unlimited power - the American spirit. This ethereal notion, championed by leaders from Washington to Reagan, is an idealogical manifestation of our Constitution, which itself was founded on Judeo Christian values. If you ask me, America is already a utopia; liberals needn't tax, regulate, confiscate and self deprecate us into an artificial one. You can come to America as the biggest nobody there ever was, and through hard work and by the grace of Providence become a real somebody. There is enough pie out there for all Her citizens, because we are a generous and industrious lot who, as Americans, possess a shared divine spark - the desire to improve ourselves. This gives us the ability to laugh in the face of adversity, to repel the deluge, to survive the flood.

I think we are exceptional. I understand why the world hates us: they don't understand that good things don't come easily. They mistake their laziness for exclusion. This America-directed hatred is no longer relegated to countries outside our domain, it now divides our country into those who have faith in the American way, and those who are unwilling to take that leap of faith. We call them the "haves" vs the "have nots." In my context, it goes much deeper than money. The "have nots" lack something so much more than just money, they lack the desire or will to live as Americans. When we don't get something, we don't get jealous and demand our Congressional representative to either steal or subsidize it for ourselves. We don't get jealous because we don't feel entitled to it in the first place - conservatives don't view the world through that framework. The reason you can't keep up with the Joneses is not due to chance, or some genetic lottery, or some perceived injustice. America was founded as an equilizer - it starts us all out at the same place. The reason you can't keep up with the Joneses has to do with YOU, not the Jones family. Liberal vitriol - the constant, seething hatred they all spew - makes sense when understood in this context, in the sense that I'm sure it's very painful to reflect upon a life of missed opportunitie and could-have-beens. Some people take solace in the fact that America is still the Land of Opportunity, that there are such things as second chances. In fact, here, there are such things as 10th and 20th chances. Some of us give up and are content to retire from the idea of betterment, to resign ourselves to the Nanny government and its handouts. My problem is not so much with the fact that certain people receive handouts. I would never begrudge somebody who stumbled into hard times, I have been there (am there currently) myself, as have people who came before me and as will those who come after. What I begrudge is that some people think their handouts should be paid for by everybody else. THEY begrudge everybody else. To get your piece of the pie, put in the time and more pie than you could ever dream will come to you. Stop trying to steal the piece I have, the piece that started as a dream, then a vision, then crust, the piece I sacrificed and worked for. It won't be as filling when you eat it.

Finally, this attack on the Christian religion must stop. I am not excusing bad behavior. However, Christians are not educating their faithful in taxpayer subsidized institutions on how to bomb and destroy buildings. Christians do not espouse a worldview which directs us to kill infidels, to "behead those who criticize" it, to punish by death those who speak ill, or those who choose not to believe in, our God. In times of crisis, it's Christian charities that you hear about donating money after every natural disaster. We hear of priests and nuns giving the homeless sanctuary, feeding the poor, caring for the sick and orphaned. In prison, does an Imam come to you to give you solace and comfort? Yes, some priests are bad seeds. Yes, shit happens. Yes, it is disappointing. How does turning away from God make any sense in times of confusion and despair? From a logical standpoint, Christianity is more valuable now than ever - as a bulwark against radical extremists. Good and Evil are qualities that exist in everyone of every creed. Modern, (Western) Christianity teaches us to embrace the former, to seek it in every aspect of our lives....and radical Islam does not.